Team La Chouette

La Chouette started back in 2016 as a bike café, and most of our business consisted in selling and repairing vintage bikes. Eventually, the bike side of the business grew, so we dropped the café and started getting in more and more of the brands that we really like and that are not common in Europe, such as Rivendell, Crust, Swift Industries, Blue Lug, Bassi. We also stock European brands like Brother (UK), Gilles Berthoud (France), Pelago (Finland) & Omnium (Denmark).
Our team is multinational: French, American, English, Irish and Portuguese, this is reflected in our brand’s philosophy and the stuff we offer. We love being able to provide bikes and accessories for every kind of person and we like our bikes to be fun to ride and extremely capable. The competitive side of cycling is not what we aim for as there are lots of Parisian shops providing this already, and not many like us.
Right now, we focus mainly on custom builds whilst still having a workshop able to fix almost any kind of repair.
We are extremely happy with the brands we work with - smaller brands that respect and support independent bike shops.
Going forward, we plan to grow our own brand and our favourite brands too. We now have our own products such as caps, t-shirts, bottles and straps, etc... But we will also be doing collabs and a nice cycling festival, so stay tuned for more info on that.
We also launched our site a few years ago, and that’s growing pretty quickly so we’re gonna keep pushing that, too. There’s a few tweaks we wanna make and maybe put more info and stuff on there, as well as growing assortment of products we offer.